Planning Board
Town of Kirkwood Planning Board
70 Crescent Drive
Kirkwood, NY 13795
Phone: 607-775-4313
Fax: 607-775-9924
Chairperson: Gordie Woolbaugh
Secretary: Mary Kay Sullivan
Board Members
Adisen Harden
Jason Maxian
Daniel Wasson
Mike Maciak
Advisory Board Members
David Pasquale
Scheduled Meetings: Second Wednesday of each Month, 7:00 PM
The Planning Board is comprised of Town of Kirkwood residents appointed by the Kirkwood Town Board. The main duty of the Planning Board is giving recommendations regarding zoning referrals within the Town. The Planning Board also conducts site plan reviews, approves subdivision plots within the town, and takes part in approving almost all other development within the Town of Kirkwood. While rendering approvals and recommendations the Planning Board weighs the communities goals, desires, and policies heavily in order to provide best for the town and its residents. The Planning Board meets regularly on the second Monday of each month in the Kirkwood Town Hall.
What is the process for a Site Plan review?
A Site Plan review is now required in all changes of ownership of a business and/or type of business. The following steps MUST be followed for the Site Plan review to be completed:
- A completed site plan application*
- A completed Environmental Assessment form*
- A Site Plan showing location of building(s), driveway(s), parking, maneuvering area, location of utilities, lighting and signs
- Preliminary architectural plans showing the interior floor plan, the use and the elevation of building(s)
- If regarding a plan for grading, drainage and erosion control with analysis of controlling surface water runoff; elevation of finished grades must be shown
**all forms are available at the Town of Kirkwood Building Department
How long will the process take?
The Building Inspector/Ordinance Enforcement Officer MUST receive all of the above items at least 35 days prior to a scheduled Planning Board Meeting. The Planning Board meets on the second Monday of each month.
Applications will not be forwarded to the Planning Board Chairman until above items are received by the Building Department.
Reasons for a denied Building Permit Request
In most cases, it was probably one (or more) of these reasons your request was denied:
- The Town of Kirkwood Zoning Ordinance, as with other ordinances, requires certain setbacks from property lines to structure(s) on the lot. Also accessory structures (garages, pools, storage sheds, etc.) have to be a minimum distance from the principal structure on the lot. In many cases, the existing structure(s) on the lot do not meet the current ordinance.
- Each parcel of land in the Town of Kirkwood is zoned based on a comprehensive master plan. It is possible that the current or proposed use of the parcel does not conform to the current zoning of the lot. It is possible for a residence to be located on a commercially zoned parcel, which is not permitted under the current Zoning Laws.
- The Building Inspector/Ordinance Enforcement Officer has to enforce the Zoning Ordinance as he reads it. It may be possible for you to read the same section of the Ordinance and disagree with the inspector’s ruling.
When Can I start building?
If the Planning Board passes your request you are then eligible to apply for a building permit.
If my request was denied, can I apply again?
If your request was denied the Planning Board presents you with problematic areas to fix within your design. Once all areas are completed to specifications set by the board you can choose to have your case heard again by the board.