Town of Kirkwood Parks
P.O. Box 62
Crescent Drive
Kirkwood, NY 13795
Phone: 607-775-1616
Fax: 607-775-3630
Hours of Operation:
Monday – Friday
7:00 AM – 3:30 PM
John A. Finch, Jr.
Commissioner of Public Works
Cell Phone: 607-760-4462 Emergency Only
The Town of Kirkwood Parks employ one person on a permanent full-time basis, with 2-3 subs that work as needed.
Veterans River Park
Open 7:00 AM – 9:00 PM

Veterans River Park plays host to numerous town activities throughout the year. Pavilions are also available with a proper reservation through the Town Clerk, 607-775-1966. The park has numerous features including:
- 3 Pavilions each containing 12 tables (2 with water, 3 with electric)
- Playground equipment, including swings and slides
- Several playing fields, including little league and softball fields, with bleachers
- A launch into the river for small crafts, such as canoes
- A gazebo for special events
- Paved roads, suitable for walking
- Tennis courts
- Basketball courts
- Bathroom facilities
- Parking
Directions to Veterans River Park
The park is located off Main Street in the Village of Kirkwood. From Route 11, go through the underpass at the north end of the village. Just before the Bridge Street overpass, turn right into the park.
Valley Park
Always Open

Valley Park plays host to numerous town-sporting events throughout the summer. It also is frequented by walkers, joggers, and runners of all ages because of its paved and lighted track. The park has numerous features including:
- Playground equipment, including swings, slides, and climbing structures
- Several playing fields, including little league and softball fields, with bleachers
- Paved track that is lighted and is maintained year-round
- Basketball courts
- Gazebo for special occasions
- Rent-a-Johns
- Parking
Directions to Valley Park
The park is located on Francis Street between Route 17 and Crescent Drive. The park is located on both sides of the road.
Grange Hall Road Park
Open 7:00 AM – 9:00 PM

Pavilions are available with a proper reservation through the Town Clerk, 607-775-1966. The park has numerous features including:
- 1 Pavilion containing 6 tables and electric (water is available)
- Ball field with bleachers
- Parking
- Paved track and lighted for walking and running
- Playground with swings and slides
- Rent-a-Johns
- Gazebo for special occasions
Directions to Grange Hall Road Park
The park is located on Grange Hall Road off Route 11 in Riverside, approximately ½ mile before the Pennsylvania State Line.