Town of Kirkwood Assessor's Office
70 Crescent Drive
Kirkwood, NY 13795
Phone: 607-775-4493
Fax: 607-775-5934
Rick Pedro, Assessor -
Office hours for the Assessor are every Wednesday from 9 AM to 4 PM January, February and September. For the remainder of the year hours are Wednesdays from 9 AM to 1 PM.
It’s best to call ahead (607-775-4493) to make sure someone will be in the office.
As the Assessor I maintain the Assessment Roll, which includes reviewing sales, building permit information, change of address requests, exemption administration, property values per owner requests, adjusting assessments for additions and demolitions.
For online assessment and property information such as tax maps, recent tax information and property exemptions can be found at the following link Once connected enter through the PUBLIC ACCESS tab.
NEW STAR Exemptions, for those that have transferred or bought a residence since August 2015 processes have changed for both basic and enhanced application(s), the local Assessor's Office no longer does these. All STAR registrations are being done through the New York State Department of Taxation. This can be done online at the following link or by calling 1-518-457-2036. This is no longer called an exemption where the amount of the savings is taken directly off the School Tax bill. It is not referred to as the STAR CREDIT where the property owner receives a check annually for the same amount as those that still receive the exemption.
For a full explanation of the STAR benefits and requirements, please refer to the following site:
New non STAR Exemptions such as veterans and volunteer firefighter and those non STAR renewals such as low income over age 65, and low income disability applications are processed at this office between January 2nd and returned no later than March 1st of every calendar year. A brief description of the two most common are:
Senior Citizens or Aged Exemption, which is also available to Seniors age 65 and over. This applies to most all property taxes; county, town and school; dependent on the household income (but not all special district taxes.) This exemption must be renewed annually and the household GROSS income (the amount before any deductions) must be $31,500 and below. This application is done on a sliding scale and the $31,500 level does not apply to all tax levies.
Veterans Exemption and Veterans Disability Exemption is applied to the town and county taxes. Most applicants need only apply once to receive this exemption on a yearly basis. There is a Cold War Veterans Exemption, which covers most veterans not previously eligible for the Alternative Funds Veterans Exemption.
Important Dates in the Annual Assessment Calendar:
Taxable Status Date: March 1st
(This is the deadline for all exemption applications, splits and combinations.)
Tentative Assessment Roll Filed: May 1st
(This contains the tentative assessments which will become final if the property owner does not file a grievance.)
Grievance Day: Fourth Tuesday in May
(An appointment for Grievance Day will be made when a property owner presents a completed RP-524 Form to the Assessor.)
Final Assessment Roll Filed: July 1st
(This contains the final assessments used for school taxes in September and Town and County taxes in January.)
NON STAR and Grievance Forms that are available online:
Exemption Forms
Alternative Veteran's Exemption Form
Alternate Veterans Exemption Instructions
Cold War Veteran's Exemption Form
Cold War Veterans Exemption Instructions
Low Income Disability Exemption Form
Low Income Disability Exemption Instructions
Senior Citizen or Aged Exemption Form
Senior Citizen (Aged) Exemption Instructions
Grievance Forms
Grievance Form
Grievance Instructions